Sometimes, If You’re Not Willing To Take A Risk, You Don’t Get The Reward
Back in my college days , I fell neatly into the category of young ladies who effectively filled a person's requirement for a companion or a younger sibling, however never for a sweetheart. I was fixated on sports, at that point working the night shift and composing sports for a daily newspaper, wildly autonomous, and a long distance from what one may characterize as hotness. So, it appeared to be that I was a real hoot to hang with, yet potentially not high on the scale of alluring young females to date. It's OK; a decade later I've dealt with it, I guarantee. Truly. I say all of that so you will have the background for the story I am about to tell. It includes the most bizarre thing anyone has at any point said to me and the most delightful thing anyone has at any point accomplished for me. At the same time. It was late around evening time in a Starbucks parking part. At least in my college years, Starbucks parking parts were somewhat where things went down. It was warm...